Multiple sequence alignment

NameDescriptionSequence Type*Alignment Type**LinkAuthorYearLicense
ABAA-Bruijn alignmentProteinGlobaldownloadB.Raphael et al.2004Proprietary, without charge for educational, research and non profit.
ALEmanual alignment ; some software assistanceNucleotidesLocaldownloadJ. Blandy and K. Fogel1994 (latest version 2007)GPL2
AMAPSequence annealingBothGlobalserverA. Schwartz and L. Pachter2006, optimal alignment of three sequences using linear gap costsNucleotidesGlobalpaper softwareD. Powell, L. Allison and T. I. Dix2000
BAli-PhyTree+Multi alignment ; Probabilistic/Bayesian ; Joint EstimationBothGlobalWWW+downloadBD Redelings and MA Suchard2005 (latest version 2015)GPL
Base-By-BaseJava-based multiple sequence alignment editor with integrated analysis toolsBothLocal or GlobaldownloadR. Brodie et al.2004Free, requires registration.
CHAOS/DIALIGNIterative alignmentBothLocal (preferred)serverM. Brudno and B. Morgenstern2003
ClustalWProgressive alignmentBothLocal or Globaldownload EMBL-EBIDDBJ PBIL EMBNetGenomeNetThompson et al.1994GNU Lesser GPL
CodonCode AlignerMulti alignment; ClustalW & Phrap supportNucleotidesLocal or GlobaldownloadP. Richterich et al.2003 (latest version 2009)
CompassCOmparison of Multiple Protein sequence Alignments with assessment of Statistical SignificanceProteinGlobaldownload and serverR.I. Sadreyev, et al.2009
DECIPHERProgressive/iterative alignmentBothGlobaldownloadErik S. Wright2014GPL
DIALIGN-TX and DIALIGN-TSegment-based methodBothLocal (preferred) or Globaldownload and serverA.R.Subramanian2005 (latest version 2008)
DNA AlignmentSegment-based method for intraspecific alignmentsBothLocal (preferred) or GlobalserverA.Roehl2005 (latest version 2008)
DNA Baser Sequence AssemblerMulti alignment; Automatic batch alignmentNucleotidesLocal or Globalwww.DnaBaser.comHeracle BioSoft2006 (latest version 2014)
EDNAEnergy Based Multiple Sequence Alignment for DNA Binding SitesNucleotidesLocal or, RA. et al.2013
FSASequence annealingBothGlobaldownload and serverR. K. Bradley et al.2008
GeneiousProgressive/Iterative alignment; ClustalW pluginBothLocal or GlobaldownloadA.J. Drummondet al.2005 (latest version 2009)
KalignProgressive alignmentBothGlobalserverEMBL-EBIMPItoolkitT. Lassmann2005
MAFFTProgressive/iterative alignmentBothLocal or GlobalGenomeNet MAFFTK. Katoh et al.2005
MARNAMultiple Alignment of RNAsRNALocalserver downloadS. Siebert et al.2005
MAVIDProgressive alignmentBothGlobalserverN. Bray and L. Pachter2004
MSADynamic programmingBothLocal or GlobaldownloadD.J. Lipman et al.1989 (modified 1995)
MSAProbsDynamic programmingProteinGlobaldownloadY. Liu, B. Schmidt, D. Maskell2010
MULTALINDynamic programming/clusteringBothLocal or Globalserver downloadF. Corpet1988
Multi-LAGANProgressive dynamic programming alignmentBothGlobalserverM. Brudno et al.2003
MUSCLEProgressive/iterative alignmentBothLocal or GlobalserverR. Edgar2004
OpalProgressive/iterative alignmentBothLocal or GlobaldownloadT. Wheeler and J. Kececioglu2007
PecanProbabilistic/consistencyDNAGlobaldownloadB. Paten et al.2008
PhyloA human computing framework for comparative genomics to solve multiple alignmentNucleotidesLocal or GlobalsiteMcGill Bioinformatics2010
PralineProgressive/iterative/consistency/homology-extended alignment with pre-profiling and secondary structure predictionProteinGlobalserverJ. Heringa1999 (latest version 2009)
PicXAAnon-progressive/maximum expected accuracy alignmentBothGlobaldownload and serverS.M.E. Sahraeian and B.J. Yoon2010
POAPartial order/hidden Markov modelProteinLocal or GlobaldownloadC. Lee2002
ProbalignProbabilistic/consistency with partition function probabilitiesProteinGlobalserverRoshan and Livesay2006
ProbConsProbabilistic/consistencyProteinLocal or GlobalserverC. Do et al.2005
PROMALS3DProgressive alignment/hidden Markov model/Secondary structure/3D structureProteinGlobalserverJ. Pei et al.2008
PRRN/PRRPIterative alignment (especially refinement)ProteinLocal or GlobalPRRP PRRNY. Totoki (based on O. Gotoh)1991 and later
PSAlignAlignment preserving non-heuristicBothLocal or GlobaldownloadS.H. Sze, Y. Lu, Q. Yang.2006
RevTransCombines DNA and Protein alignment, by back translating the protein alignment to DNA.DNA/Protein (special)Local or GlobalserverWernersson and Pedersen2003 (newest version 2005)
SAGASequence alignment by genetic algorithmProteinLocal or GlobaldownloadC. Notredame et al.1996 (new version 1998)
SAMHidden Markov modelProteinLocal or GlobalserverA. Krogh et al.1994 (most recent version 2002)
Se-AlManual alignmentBothLocaldownloadA. Rambaut2002
StatAlignBayesian co-estimation of alignment and phylogeny (MCMC)BothGlobaldownloadA. Novak et al.2008
StemlocMultiple alignment and secondary structure predictionRNALocal or GlobaldownloadI. Holmes2005GPLv3 (parte deDART)
T-CoffeeMore sensitive progressive alignmentBothLocal or Globalserver downloadC. Notredame et al.2000 (newest version 2008)GPL2
UGENESupports multiple alignment with MUSCLE, KAlign, Clustal and MAFFT pluginsBothLocal or GlobaldownloadUGENE team2010 (newest version 2012)GPL2
VectorFriendsVectorFriends Aligner, MUSCLE plugin, andClustalW pluginBothLocal or GlobaldownloadBioFriends team2013Proprietary, but free for academic researchers
GLProbsAdaptive pair-Hidden Markov Model based approachProteinGlobaldownloadY. Ye et al.2013


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